Modernisation of railway sections within the scope of the project Development of Plovdiv Railway Junction
Geostroy – Lantania Consortium commenced construction works under the project Modernisation of the Rail Track, Overhead Catenary, Signalling and Telecommunication Systems in Plovdiv-Krumovo and Plovdiv-Skutare Railway Sections, including the Railway Stations Plovdiv Marshalling Yard, Krumovo, Skutare and Trakia Inspection Point. It is part of the major project Development of Plovdiv Railway Junction, which is co-financed under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).
After preparation and approval of the detailed design, a building permit No. РС-5/12.01.2022 was issued for executing the following phases:
Phase 1 including Subsection No. 2: the interstation Plovdiv ˗ Plovdiv Marshalling Yard East from km 155+946.04 to km 158+817.26 and Subsection No. 3: Plovdiv Marshalling Yard Railway Station from km 158+817.26 to km 159+827.95 along 1st Railway Line;
Phase 2 including Subsection No. 4: the interstation Plovdiv Marshalling Yard East ˗ Krumovo from km 159+827.95 to km 162+850.00 along 1st Railway Line;
Phase 3 including Subsection No. 6: the interstation Plovdiv Marshalling Yard East ˗ Trakia from km 4+352.71 to km 7+450.00 and Subsection No. 7: Trakia Inspection Point from km 7+450.00 to km 8+440.38 along 8th Railway Line.
On 28 February 2022, аn Act Template 2A was signed for opening the construction site and setting-out the construction line and levels for the subsections within the scope of the building permit.
This design-build project envisages modernisation of a rail track, overhead catenary, signalling and telecommunication systems in Plovdiv-Krumovo and Plovdiv-Skutare railway sections, including the railway stations Plovdiv Marshalling Yard, Krumovo, Skutare and Trakia Inspection Point.
The construction and assembly works comprise a comprehensive renovation of the rail track and related facilities (including underpasses, overpasses and footbridges), overhead catenary, signalling and telecommunication systems in the railway sections Plovdiv-Krumovo and Plovdiv-Skutare, including the railway stations Plovdiv Marshalling Yard, Krumovo, Skutare and Trakia Inspection Point. In the course of upgrading the signalling and telecommunication systems, the route relay interlocking systems in Skutare and Trakia Railway Stations will be replaced by computer-based interlocking systems with LED signals, axle counters and new railroad turnouts, as well as new main and backup power supply. The control of Trakia Inspection Point will be exercised from the computer-based interlocking system in Skutare station.
2 pedestrian crossing facilities will be built and 2 new road overpasses will be erected on two levels suited for the needs of persons with disabilities. Construction of noise-proofing facilities is envisaged in the urban areas, as well as safety fences along the entire railway line, new culverts and drainage systems.